CBD Oil for Cats

CBD Oil for Cats

  • Kirsten Thornhill - 23.03.2020

You furry feline means everything to you, plus more - we totally understand. At Petly CBD, we are paw parents and paw lovers. When something seems slightly off or different with your feline child, we understand just how heart-wrenching it can be. A trip on down to the veterinarian may cause even more stress, not just for your cat, but for you too. What are these medications? Does my cat really need it? Will they even work like they’re supposed to? 

It can be completely OVERWHELMING. 

Without further adieu, we’re here to introduce to you: CBD for cats. 

You’ve likely heard of cannabidiol (CBD) and the amazing benefits it provides to us humans to cope with a wide array of ailments everyday. From boosting overall health and wellness to promoting feelings of relaxation and calmness, this cannabinoid is making major strides in the world of holistic and natural health (no surprise). 

It was inevitable that experts in the research field began considering CBD and whether or not it could potentially provide benefits to your four-legged best friends. If you aren’t fully in “the know”, we’re more than happy to share with you that CBD for dogs and cats is well on its way to gaining the acknowledgment and attention that it definitely deserves. We can’t wait to spill all the deets about how it’s all possible. *Eks with excitement!*

1, 2, 3, let’s pounce!

What is Cannabidiol for Cats

CBD oil for cats is derived from the magical cannabis plant. Cannabidiol is just one of 100+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Even though there are 100+ cannabinoids, CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are most commonly known. While its popularity continues to grow rapidly, there are still misconceptions about cannabis oil for cats that we hope we can bring to light. 

Understanding How it Works

Just like us humans, felines and canines have an endocannabinoid system, for short, it’s known as the ECS. This system works to regulate certain bodily functions, like mood, sleep, appetite, pain, and immunity. 

Your body, as well as your pets’, produce cannabinoids naturally (aka endocannabinoids). Thus, when your furry friend, or you, consume a cannabis product, like CBD oil, you are contributing to your endocannabinoid system. 

I like analogies, so here goes one: think of how Vitamin C helps to support your immune system. You are helping out the body’s natural functioning through supplementation. Juicy!

Cannabis: THC and CBD

As we briefly mentioned above, there are quite a few misconceptions floating around about cannabis. We know you want to eagerly hear about the amazing benefits of this plant already, but we do feel it’s important to have a clear understanding of the various components of the plant. 

Cannabis sativa L is the general name for the cannabis plant that includes various strains. Some of these strains include the marijuana plant, which is federally illegal in many states across the USA. Other strains, including hemp plants, can be used for industrial and therapeutic purposes. Take home message here: the cannabis plant can be a very vague umbrella term for both the hemp and marijuana plants. 

While there are definitely similarities between the marijuana and hemp plant, there are also distinct differences that you want to be able to recognize. 

Generally, the cannabis plant has both THC (psychoactive) and CBD (non-psychoactive). But, cannabis plants that have less than 0.3% THC can be considered hemp plants. Products derived from hemp plants are legal in all 50 states. 

On other hand, the marijuana plant is most commonly recognized for its euphoric effects and psychoactive properties. The marijuana plant can help with various health conditions. However, the stigma regarding the marijuana plant still exists (almost everywhere). The marijuana plant, also known as “Mary Jane”, is commonly used recreationally, getting users “high”. 

Products derived from the hemp plant are considered non-psychoactive, it won’t get you “stoned” or “buzzed” or “high”. When we discuss CBD for dogs and cats, we are referring to products derived from this plant. Thus, cannabidiol will not get your pet “stoned”. 

We want to stress that even if the marijuana plant is legal in your state, it is very dangerous for your pets and can actually make them very ill. Paw parents, beware - only administer hemp-derived CBD to your four-legged friends. 


Just wanting to reiterate, cannabidiol = CBD. It won’t get your cat “high as a kite”. 


THC is the psychoactive component in the marijuana plant and may be the main reason individuals use the magical herb. 

What is Hemp CBD Oil

The products that are generally safe for your pets’ consumption are CBD hemp-derived products. The most popular on the market, you ask? CBD hemp oil. This liquid will often be seen in tincture form, with a dropper for easy application. The dropper allows for paw parents to know just exactly how much they’re giving to their pet. 

You can control every single drop. We’ll talk a little more about that later, but this oil is a great way to first introduce CBD into your cat’s daily life, since it is easier to start off slow. We recommend introducing any new product into your pet’s life slowly. There’s no hurry to get them off to the races. CBD hemp oils can be mixed in with your cat’s food, place on or in their favorite treat, or it can be given orally. 

Cannabidiol for Overall Feline Wellness

Cannabidiol for cats can promote their overall wellness. By adding a CBD supplement to your cat’s diet, it may significantly improve their daily life and overall well-being. 

CBD Oil Side Effects

No two cats are exactly alike, we don’t have to hammer the nail on the head too hard on that one. Therefore, all cats could potentially react differently to cannabinoids. The main side effect reported is that it can make your cat experience sedation. If your felline seems more lethargic or lazier, maybe lowering your cat’s dosage will do the trick! Typically, the side effects are very mild or even non-existent. If the CBD is infused into their treats, they may get an upset tummy or experience gastrointestinal issues, depending on your cat as well as the treat(s). That’s why it’s so crucial that you want to find 100% natural CBD treats with simple, non-toxic ingredients. 

In addition, we want to make sure to share with you that you should only give your cat hemp-derived CBD. Products that contain any amounts of THC can make your cat extremely ill and or uncomfortable. Thus, do not blow marijuana products into your cat’s face or ear, thinking that you’re helping them relax. Realistically, it will only make them feel even worse. 

With that being said, recent studies have suggested that CBD derived from the hemp plant is virtually harmless for felines. Yay!

CBD Oil for Cats: The Dosage

We like to encourage our readers to think ‘less is more’ when considering an appropriate dosage for your cat. Typically, the suggested starting dose is 1 mg - 5 mg per 10 pounds of your cat’s body weight. It has been recommended to start with 1 - 5 mg, in general. 

If you’re curious to see if CBD will work for your feline, here’s a mini-guide you can use to get you started:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): 0.2 mg/kg twice x daily

Asthma: 0.5 mg/kg twice daily

Arthritis: 0.5 mg of CBD per kg of your pet’s weight twice daily

Chronic Upper Respiratory Infections: 0.5 mg/kg twice daily

Pancreatitis: 0.1 mg/kg twice daily with a gradual increase to 0.5 mg/kg twice daily

Seizures: 0.5 mg/kg twice daily with a gradual increase over time


CBD Oil for Sale: An Important Warning

With cannabidiol on the rise, we want to warn you that not all products are created equal. CBD isn’t highly regulated, yet. Thus, it is completely possible that the products you’re buying aren’t exactly what you’re hoping for. 

You’ll want to make sure of a few other things too, while you’re at it. Make sure that you’re buying from a reputable and reliable source. We encourage you to do your homework! 

Make sure that the brand you’re about to invest your hard-earned dollars into is willing to share with you their third-party testing results. It doesn’t take long for good ‘ol mister internet to begin a conversation about which brands and companies are good and which aren’t, so to speak. 

The last thing you want to do is to decide to treat your fur baby in an all-natural way and then purchase a non-natural product. With tincture oil, you truly get what you pay for, seriously. Please don’t go for the cheapest option to save some moola. 

Pure Cannabidiol: What to Look For

You should double check that the product(s) you are purchasing for your feline is, in fact, 100% natural, third-party lab tested, soy-free, non-GMO, like Petly CBD Oil for cats

We encourage our readers to make sure the products you purchase through the internet come with a certificate of analysis. Any reputable company should be able to provide you with one. This certificate of analysis will tell you just how much THC and CBD is in the product. This analysis is crucial, since it will tell you exactly what is in your product. 

As you know, CBD isn’t well-regulated and is not FDA-approved (yet), so producers can label products as an oil with CBD, but only provide a minimal amount of it in the product. 

If a product is advertised as a CBD product, but virtually has no CBD in it, when what really are you giving your cat? Sounds worrisome to me. 

Another important topic to consider, is the product 100% natural and non-GMO? If not, then it’s likely that the products may have been treated with pesticides and herbicides. As a paw parent, you should know that these “cides” can cause a laundry list of diseases and ailments in your pets. Thus, some CBD products may actually cause more harm than good.

CBD Oil for Cats: The Bottom Line

When you first bring your precious kitty home for the first time, you may feel all the greatest feelings! However, you may not have not been warned about the problems that could arise throughout their feline lifetime. As a cat parent, you should try your best to stay in the know with the latest health and wellness trends and ensure that your cat is physically and mentally stimulated, with a health-conscious diet. 

The potential side effects of conventional medications could leave you with quite a large scoop of anxiety. From blindness to liver failure to even sudden death - it’s scary to think that traditional medications may be your only avenue. Luckily, it definitely is not!

We encourage you to consider all the benefits that cannabidiol has to offer to your precious feline and trust that your four-legged companion will get better soon!

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